
Anchor Based Approach  & Compassionate Inquiry


Anchor Based Approach  & Compassionate Inquiry

The Full Magic




Where do we begin?

Before I delve into the approach I use in talk therapy, it’s important to understand what its function is.

As we go about our daily lives, our every thought, feeling and action is dictated by the inner working of our subconscious mind or “core” beliefs. These core beliefs, hidden from view are formed through our earliest experiences in life.

In order to shift these beliefs, we have to first know what they are, and what purpose they served our younger selves.

Through Compassionate Inquiry we begin to shift the way we see things like depression & anxiety, even addiction. Throwing away the disease model that tells us that “genetics” determine our lives, rather than environment & experience. The disease model disempowers people, robbing them of their innate ability to heal.

Anchor Based Approach – ABA

Anchor Based Approach (ABA) is a modern systematic approach to doing therapy. It is scientifically based and is recognised by the HPCSA. Anchor Based Approach (ABA) is goal oriented, structured and behaviour driven.

Through ABA you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around, while implementing practical and realistic behaviour changes that result in a more fulfilling and happy life.

Compassionate Inquiry – CI

Complementing the systematic approach of Anchor Based Approach (ABA) is my training in Compassionate Inquiry (CI).

Compassionate Inquiry (CI) is a philosophical approach that brings kindness and self compassion to the therapeutic process, reframing mental disorder and addiction not as disease, but as coping mechanisms that make sense in the context of a persons life and upbringing.